How to Sound Like a Native in Your Emails

It’s no secret that emails are a fast, reliable, and convenient way to communicate. But how many of us can say that we use emails in a way that is is also effective?

Here are a few things we can do before sending an email to make sure we use emails effectively:


  1. Should you send an email?

Always ask yourself if you actually need to send an email, or if you should first try to talk face to face or over the phone.

Remember: don’t send an email if it’s a complex or sensitive topic.


  1. What’s the purpose of your email?

Make your email subject about the main point of your email. Be clear and specific.

For example:

    • “Request for update regarding grades”
    • ‘’For review: Please see’’

If it’s urgent, say this in your subject and say when the deadline is.

For example:

    • ‘’URGENT: Please review due on Friday 12th of April’’.
  1. What’s the topic? 

Be clear with what your email is about.

If your email has  2  different topics, send 2  emails instead.

Don’t send one long message. Use bullet points instead to break up your text and highlight any key points.


  1. Have you checked your grammar? 

Double check your email for any spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes.


  1. Have you remembered to be polite and check your tone?

Use the right greetings, and ask yourself:

    • Is the email  formal or informal?
    • Do you know the person?
    • Always thank the person at the end of the email

Formal emails 

Start with:

    • ‘’Dear Mr. or Adams’’

If you don’t know their name, start with:

    • ‘’Dear Sir/Madam’’
    • ‘’To whom it may concern”
    • “Dear Recruitment Manager”

If you know the person, end your email with:

    • ‘’Yours Sincerely”

If you don’t know them, end with:

    • “Yours faithfully”

Informal emails

Start with a simple:

    • ‘’Hi’’ or ‘’Hello’’
    • ‘’Good morning/ afternoon Mrs. Adams’’

End the email with:

    • ‘’Kind regards’’
    • ‘’Best wishes’’
    • ‘’Many thanks’’

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